Karachi, (Pakistan Point News - 4th july, 2016) : Karachi unrest case hearing was held in the Supreme Court registry in which the case of Awais Shah's abduction, the son of chief justice Sindh high court Sajjad Ali Shah, was proceeded. The court ordered the dismissal of SSP South while showing outrage over the kidnapping case. The proceeding was held by justice Ameer Hani Muslim. The court interrogated SSP south that when did he come to know about the happening of the incident and when did he initiated the legal proceeding? to which he responded that he came to know about the incident at 7:15 p.
m but couldn't inform the officials due to some other engagements.The SC’s Justice Amir Hani Muslim stated that when the SHO came to know about the incident he said that the ‘agencies must have picked him up.’ On which court incriminated him of showing careless attitude and ordered his dismissal.