Dhaka, (Pakistan Point News - 2nd july, 2016) : Bangladeshi troops rescued 14 hostages and shot dead six gunmen Saturday,after the cafe was hijacked for an hour in dhaka, the army said. "The operation has come to an end," said Brig. Gen. Mujibur Rahman announced , who was heading the troops in the rescue effort at Holey Artisan Bakery.reports said that Gunmen took an unknown number of hostages after they rushed into the restaurant in a diplomatic zone Friday night. Before the siege ended, witness Fayad Munaim said he heard heavy gunfire after hours of quiet in the area. The shots ended after ten minutes,he said. The reponsibiltiy for carrying out the terror attack was claimed by ISIS.
Terror Attack In Dhaka, ISI Claimed The Responsibility
Rameen Syed (@syedrameen965) 8 years ago