Three Suspect Injured In Police Encounter


Three suspect injured in police encounter

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th August, 2016) : Hyderabad police shot and injured 3 suspects in a police encounter near the protective embankment of river Indus in Latifabad Unit 4 area.

SHO Hussainabad police station Imdad Ali Talpur informed Monday that the suspects were arrested after the encounter and shifted to Bhitai Hospital for the medical treatment.

According to him, the police were carrying out snap checking in that area and when the suspects riding on a motorbike reached the spot they tried to escape while opening fire on the police. All the 3 sustained gun shot injuries to their legs in the exchange of fire, he added. He claimed that 3 pistols were recovered from the suspects. Talpur told that at least 10 cases of robberies and street crimes were registered against the 3 suspects.