PESCO Notifies Power Shut Down Notice


PESCO notifies power shut down notice

PESHAWAR (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -29th Augst,2016) : The PESCO authorities here Monday notified power shut down notice of Peshawar City due to maintenance work on August 31. The power supply will remain suspended from 132 KV Peshawar industrial grid station on August 31 from 8 am to 12 pm and resultantly the consumers of 11 KV Bana Mari, civil quarters, Wazirbagh, Kohat Road, Sunehri Masjid, PAF Express, Murshidabad, Abasin feeders will face inconvenience.

From 132 KV D I Khan grid station, power supply will remains suspended on August 30, 31 from 7 AM to 1 PM and resultantly, the consumers of 11 KV Town Hall, City-1, City-2, Muryali-1, 2 feeders will face difficulty.