(Pakistan Point News - 1st july, 2016) : Accio cloak! A man from delhi gave gave reality to the harry potter's invisibility cloak by inventing a scarf that works on the same principles. it has become celebrity's focus of attention. If you are a celebrity, it has now become possible for you to avoid unwanted photographs and videos.The credit belongs to , Dutch-born Saif Siddiqui, the founder of Access All Brands,who has created the ‘anti-flash scarf’ aka the ISHU, that allows the wearer to divert flash photography, making their face appear completely dark.
When he was asked about this trermendous creation, he cited an incident,“In 2009, I was visiting my family in Amsterdam with a couple of friends and we took a picture on an iPhone in front of a bike. We noticed the picture had been slightly ruined because of the reflector on the bike. I thought it was pretty cool that something messed up the picture.”He further explained, “i began experimenting with various ideas and tried to do something that can go with every occasion and outfit. and i succeeded in preparing that approprite stuff. The ISHU scarf effectively allows an individual to control what pictures and videos are taken of them. There are no more unwanted pictures and videos on Snapchat, Instagram, or Facebook!”