Passports Fees-Check Complete Details Here


Passports Fees-Check complete details here

Federal government announces fees for new passport for entire country

ISLAMABAD: (UrduPoint/Pakistan Point News-Nov 9th, 2024) The Federal government on Saturday announced fees for new passport for the entire country.

The separate fees have been set for e-passports, machine-readable passports (MRP), and the issuance of lost passports.

For an e-passport with 36 pages, the normal fee for 5 years will be Rs3,000 while the urgent fee will be Rs15,000.

For a 75-page normal passport valid for 10 years, the fee will be Rs15,500, and the urgent fee will be Rs27,000.

For a 36-page e-passport, the fee will be Rs13,500 for normal processing, and Rs24,750 for urgent processing. For a 75-page e-passport, the fee will be Rs16,500 for normal processing, and Rs27,000 for urgent processing.

The 10-year normal fee for a 75-page e-passport will be Rs24,750, and the urgent fee will be Rs40,500.

For machine-readable passports (MRP), the fee for a 36-page normal MRP passport valid for 5 years will be Rs4,500, with an urgent fee of Rs7,500.

For a fast-track MRP passport, the fee will be Rs13,500.

For a 72-page 10-year MRP passport, the normal fee will be Rs6,700, the urgent fee will be Rs11,200, and the fast-track fee will be Rs16,200. For a 72-page 5-year MRP passport, the normal fee will be Rs8,200, the urgent fee will be Rs13,500, and the fast-track fee will be Rs19,500. For 100-page MRPs, the normal fee will be Rs9,000, the urgent fee will be Rs18,000 and the fast-track fee will be Rs23,000.

For a 10-year MRP with 100 pages, the normal fee will be Rs13,500, the urgent fee will be Rs17,000 and the fast-track fee will be Rs32,000.

Separate fees have also been set for lost passports.

For a passport lost for the first time, the fee will be 54,000 rupees, and for a passport lost for the third time, the fee will be Rs356,000.

Abdullah Hussain

Abdullah Hussain is a staff member who writes on politics, human rights, social issues and climate change.