The session court directs the police to produce PTI worker Sanam Javed before the Islamabad High Court before passing any order.
ISLAMABAD: (UrduPoint/Pakistan Point News-July 15th, 2024) The police officials to produce Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Monday (today) before the Islamabad High Court (IHC) in compliance of the direction of the lower court.
Session Judge Mureed Abbas directed the police to produce Sanam Javed before the IHC.
The strict security arrangements were made during appearance of Sanam Javed before the court.
During the proceedings, the lawyer representing Sanam Javed asked the court that the case be put on hold as per the instructions of the Islamabad High Court.
The judge said that he would seek confirmation from his office.
Later, the session judge confirmed that directions had been received from the Islamabad High Court.
In accordance with these directions, Sanam Javed is to be presented before the Islamabad High Court. Judge Mureed Abbas emphasized that the session court could render any decision until a ruling is issued by the Islamabad High Court.
It may be mentioned here that a local court had granted bail to Sanam Javed after FIA produced her before it.