Labor Day Observed Across Northern Sindh


Labor Day observed across northern Sindh

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 1st May, 2024) Labor Day was observed on Wednesday in Sukkur with a renewed pledge to work for the welfare and protection of rights of the working class.

Trade unionists held rallies and meetings all over the northern Sindh to pay homage to the heroes of Chicago, USA who rendered their lives for the rights of labours in 1886.

Labour Unions of the Sukkur Electric Power Supply Company (SEPCO), Pakistan Railways, Workers Welfare Fund, Home Based Workers Association and other Trade Unions held separate rallies in Clock tower, Jinnah Chowk, Minara Road and others areas.

The participants paid tribute to the martyrs of Chicago. Mayor Sukkur Barrister Arslan while addressing the gathering, urged the workers to promote brotherhood, unity and congenial atmosphere in the mills to boost production.

The 'International Labour Day' was also observed Ghotki, Khairpur, Shikarpur, Noshehroferoze, Jacobbabd and other districts to commemorate the valuable sacrifices of Chicago martyrs, rendered for the cause of workers. Rallies were taken out and seminars and walks were organized where trade union leaders highlighted the problems of the working class and urged the government to take maximum measures to mitigate their suffering.

They said the working class is the major stakeholder of national economy and the government should introduce concrete measures for their welfare.

Special programs and talk shows were broadcast by the local FM channels and Radio Pakistan Khairpur and newspapers published special supplements to mark the Day.