Punjab Female Police Officer Selected For International Award


Punjab female police officer selected for international award

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th Apr, 2024) Punjab Police Officer Rafat Bukhari has been selected for the prestigious Excellence in Performance Award by the International Association of Women Police (IAWP).

This award is given annually to a female police officer from around the world who has demonstrated exceptional services to her community. SSP Rafat Bukhari, currently serving in the Punjab Safe Cities Authority, has been recognized for her outstanding services in protecting women, utilizing artificial intelligence to apprehend criminals, and developing intelligent traffic management systems and road safety mechanisms.

IAWP President Debra Friedel has congratulated SSP Rafat Bukhari on her selection for this international award. IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar has also praised SSP Rafat Bukhari's achievement, saying it is a matter of pride for the entire police force, particularly for women officers.

SSP Rafat Bukhari will receive the award at the 61st annual conference of the IAWP in Chicago, USA, in September this year.