Keamari Police Bust Major Gutka Smuggling Attempt

Keamari police bust major gutka smuggling attempt

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Apr, 2024) The District Keamari Police on Friday successfully thwarted a nefarious attempt to smuggle over 18 mounds of hazardous Gutka/Mawa and betel nuts in the Mochko area.

According to SSP Keamari, the police operation unfolded, culminating in the seizure of a vehicle laden with contraband, while the perpetrators managed to evade arrest.

In a swift and decisive action, police officials confiscated the vehicle and its illicit cargo, which included 60 sacks of betel nuts, totaling a staggering 720 kilograms, along with 10 bags containing 200 packets of gutka/mawa.

A case has been promptly registered, signaling the commencement of further investigations into this illicit activity.

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