People Should Prefer To Buy Sacrificial Animals Online: Expert


People should prefer to buy sacrificial animals online: Expert

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Augst,2016) : Vice chancellor of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Dr.Javed Iqbal said on Thursday that people should buy online animals for Eid-ul-Azha to prevent congo virus or must wear gloves and masks if they go to the cattle markets. Talking to ptv news, he said that humans are getting infected when they come in direct contact with blood or tissues from infected animals or bites of infected ticks.

He said people who work in close contact with livestock such as those working in agriculture, slaughterhouses and veterinary hospitals are at a higher risk of acquiring the disease. Replying to a question, he said once a human is affected, the infection spreads to other people if they come in contact with the patient's infected blood or body fluids and can cause them to die.

"Infection could also spread in hospitals during injections and surgical procedures", adding he said hospital staff who are treating these patients are at a higher risk for developing the infection. Replying to another question he said, "symptoms of Congo virus are high fever, body/muscles pain with red spots appearing on body however about 80% patients can be cured if they are diagnosed at early stage". Dr.Javed said that a person cannot be infected by eating well-cooked infected meat since the virus does not survive after the meat has been cooked.