Sales of new cars increased by 24.1% year-on-year in September, the first rise in 15 months, Japanese media reported on Monday, citing the Japanese Automobile Dealers Association (JADA).
MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 03rd October, 2022) Sales of new cars increased by 24.1% year-on-year in September, the first rise in 15 months, Japanese media reported on Monday, citing the Japanese automobile Dealers Association (JADA).
JADA said new minivehicle sales in the country rose 35.6% to 153,121 cars, while demand for other vehicles went up 17.8% to 242,042 units, according to the cooperative Kyodo news agency .
Mazda recorded a 60.5 % increase in sales, while Daihatsu and Suzuki sold 54.0 % and 41.7 % more cars respectively.
In 2020, Japan's car production fell by 9.1% and sales by 12.1%, according to JAMA data, due to a shortage of parts caused by Shanghai's COVID lockdown.
The situation has improved in Shanghai, however the chip shortage and supply bottleneck are ongoing, a JAMA official told the agency, and car sales remain 19.1% lower than in 2019.
Both Toyota and Honda have planned to cut production in October.