New Delhi, (Pakistan Point News - 22th june, 2016) : Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz today said India was “straddling” from pursuing a dialogue with Pakistan as kashmir issue along with some of the other main issues would be discussed on the table. His statement followed the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement while responding in an interview, , that India has to be alert in a head to head dialogue with Pakistan.
“Our approach has created hurdles for Pakistan, and they feel difficulty in consenting the matter in the international community", said Modi.“PM Modi’s logic is beyond perception,” , said Sartaj Aziz, quoted by radio Pakistan. “We have a clear visual aspect that will enable us to have a well-rounded and complex talk with india covering all the major problems such as people-to-people contact, visa and fishermen issue, trade and economic cooperation, Kashmir, Siachen and Sir Creek,” he said.
Talks between the two countries seem impossible as the January Pathan Kot incident and the latest issue regarding Nuclear Suppliers Group, Pakistan being against the incursion of India into the group, has caused their relations to further weaken. Moreover Modi further quested that he is ambigious about whom India should held a dialogue with. Is it the elected democratic government or other actors, refering to the Pakistani army.