Rafiq-e-Hujjaj Committee Completes Hajj Ritual Training In Over 30



Rafiq-e-Hujjaj Committee completes Hajj ritual training in over 30

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 12th Augst,2016) :Rafiq-e-Hujjaj Committee has completed the training of intending pilgrims in over 30 cities of the country in last over two months,Vice President Babu Imran Qureshi said Friday. Talking to APP, he said the extensive Hajj training workshops were started on May 27 from Taxila and concluded in the first week of August.

The training was imparted with the help of modules, charts, maps, sketches, lectures and television. He said Rafiq-e-Hujjaj Committee was performing the sacred religious obligation for the last 31 years on their own expense.The master trainers had visited Kashmir, Hazara, Dera Ismael Khan, Bhakkar and other cities of the country. The training also covers how to wear `Ahram' and observe sanctity of the holy places besides performing rituals at Madina and manners of offering prayers at Masjid e Nabvi and `Salam' at `Roza e Rasool (Peace Be Upon Him)," he added.

Responding to a question he said he and his team would continue imparting Hajj ritual training among intending pilgrims at Madina-tul-Hajj, Islamabad till the departure of last flight.

Furthermore his team was also imparting training among departing hujjaj at the lounge of Benazir Bhutto International Airport. The wife of Babu Imran Qureshi imparts training to women pilgrims about thier peculiar issues. The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony had already made mandatory Hajj training for successful pilgrims. The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony had better managed the training this year as comparing to last year, he said adding that the ministry had organised four training workshops in Madina-tul-Hujjaj, Islamabad this year as comparing to last year. Vice President Rafiq-e-Hajj Committee Babu Imran Qureshi said that he and team including his mother and wife had imparted Hajj rituals training to enable them to perform the sacred religious obligation in accordance with the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). They had been training the pilgrims in various cities on their own expense.