The show, with the help of Urduflix platform, will feature their friends from both Pakistan and India.
LAHORE: (UrduPoint/Pakistan Point News-Dec 6th, 2021) Sania Mirza and Shoaib Malik on Monday announced their new talk show.
Addressing a press conference, the couple said that they would start new show ‘The Mirza Malik show’ on Urduflix.
The announcement came a week after they announced to launch their own perfumes Smash and All-rounder in collaboration with J.Fragrances.
Shoaib Malik and Sania Mirza know the art of living in the news as both are also stars of their respective fields.
The name of their show is being liked on social media. Earlier, they named their son as Izhaan Mirza Malik. With the help of Urduflix, the show will feature their friends from both sides Pakistan and India.