Germany Doing Everything Possible To Ensure Nord Stream 2 Launch - Senior Lawmaker

BERLIN (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 01st June, 2021) Germany has done everything possible to ensure the launch of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline for carrying Russian gas to Europe, and it is confident that the construction will be completed, Klaus Ernst, the head of the German parliamentary committee on economy and energy, said in an interview with Sputnik.

"I am firmly convinced that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will be completed. Our government and the government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state have done everything possible. At the level of the German Bundestag and the Federal government, we have been also clearly opposing the illegal US sanctions," Ernst said.

"I am glad that the German federal government has been firmly committed to the Nord Stream 2 project despite all the counteraction, especially from the US," the lawmaker added.