$2,395,254 Spent On 259 Projects In OIC Region To Promote S&T

$2,395,254 spent on 259 projects in OIC region to promote S&T

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Augst,2016) : COMSTECH had spent $ 2,395,254 on 259 projects to promote science and technology in OIC countries since 2011. According to a report of Coordinator General, COMSTECH 2011- 16, $ 1,93,000 granted for 161 COMSTECH/TWAS projects in 16 countries, $ 1,155,004 for 92 COMSTECH-IFS programs in 24 countries and $ 47,250 were spent on six COMSTECH/WHO-EMRO in four countries. The purpose of the collaboration under COMSTECH-IFA was to enhance research capability within the OIC region, to reap a rich harvest by obtaining grants from IFS for scientist and institutions of OIC members states. This important programme has financed 275 projects since 1998 in various disciplines in 32 member states of the OIC, with total funding of $ 2.944 million. Likewise, under the COMSTECH-EMRO/WHO joint program thirty three research projects were implemented since 2005, nine member states of OIC had received $ 268,515.

Under the COMSTECH travel Grants Programme, six scientists from Pakistan, Turkey and Bangladesh had been awarded $ 5,109 during 2011-16.

Since its inception 36 scientists from 8 OIC member states have benefited from this program. Since 2011, the COMSTECH had organized 31 scientific events including seminars, workshops, symposia, training programs and conference throughout the OIC region with cost of $ 1,052,75.

The COMSTECH had planned to organized further workshops on different 15 subjects during 2016-17 including cyber security, climate change, Nanotechnology, Penewable energy-Costing, storage & carbon markets, molecular biology, scientific journalism, water resources management, oceanography and Genomics & Gnome Editing.