Historically record low temperatures were registered on Tuesday in 21 cities across the United States, according to the data released by the US National Weather Agency
MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 17th February, 2021) Historically record low temperatures were registered on Tuesday in 21 cities across the United States, according to the data released by the US National Weather Agency.
The coldest weather was recorded in the cities of Lincoln and Hastings in Nebraska - where the temperature dropped to -35 and -34 degrees Celsius. The previous record low temperatures in these cities -18 and -13 degrees Celsius were recorded in 1978 and 1979, respectively.
In Sioux City in Iowa, the temperature reached -33 degrees Celsius, while the previous record was registered in 1936. A number of cities have updated their temperature records, which have been in place for over a century, including in Kansas and Texas.
Freezing temperatures battered the United States' south and heartland this week, leaving more than 20 people killed and millions of Texan households without power.