WCLA Starts Waste Management System From Delhi Gate


WCLA starts waste management system from Delhi Gate

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22th july, 2016) : The Walled City of Lahore Authority (WCLA) has started waste management system from Delhi Gate, WCLA spokesperson Tania Qureshi said on Friday. She said the authority had taken control of cleanliness from Delhi Gate to Kotwali Chowk, including 57 streets.

"To ensure cleanliness, the authority has appointed 25 sanitry workers and supervisors besides purchasing modern machinary," she added. Tania said the project would help clean old city on modern grounds.

She added waste busters would manage solid waste from Delhi Gate to Chowk Kotwali. She said the same cleanliness model would soon be replicated in other parts of the walled city.