Jeddah Welcomes Historic Italian Sailing Ship 'Amerigo Vespucci'

Jeddah, January (پاکستان پوائنٹ نیوز ‎‎‎ 24 كانون الثاني 2025ء) The ship, which is a training vessel of the Italian Navy, will anchor in Jeddah from January 27 to 30 as part of the Vespucci World Tour, marking the 33rd stop in its journey.

While in Jeddah, events of the "Villaggio Italia" initiative will be organized, including an exhibition providing a unique experience to explore the culture and beauty of Italy. The initiative combines traditional maritime training with maritime diplomacy, as the training ship Amerigo Vespucci brings culture, history, innovation, cuisine, science, research, technology, and industry to the world.

Jeddah, as it hosts this historic ship, marks the eighth stop after Los Angeles, Tokyo, Darwin, Singapore, Mumbai, Doha, and Abu Dhabi.