Al-Sulaiman: RER Develops National Real Estate Map Encompassing Over 8.2 Million Properties

Al-Sulaiman: RER Develops National Real Estate Map Encompassing over 8.2 Million Properties

Riyadh, January (پاکستان پوائنٹ نیوز ‎‎‎ 21 كانون الثاني 2025ء) Al-Sulaiman highlighted these advancements at the ESRI User Conference in Riyadh, held on January 21-22, 2024. The event was attended by the President of the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information (GEOSA), Dr. Eng. Mohammed bin Yahya Al Sayel, the CEO of the Imam Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Royal Reserve Development Authority, Dr. Talal Al-Harigi, and Esri President Jack Dangermond.

Al-Sulaiman shared updates on the real estate registry's progress, noting that announced properties now exceed two million across five administrative regions. Additionally, he said over 50,000 real estate transactions have been conducted through the real estate registry platform.