Riyadh, January (پاکستان پوائنٹ نیوز 19 كانون الثاني 2025ء) The area is celebrated for its creatively designed seating spaces, which reflect Saudi identity while providing visitors with stunning views of Diriyah's landmarks, all set within a cozy winter ambiance.
Birwaz boasts a variety of distinctive zones and shops, including winter fashion stores that merge elegance with modernity, a boutique dedicated to bisht (traditional men's cloaks) craftsmanship where visitors can explore this ancient art and even design their own bisht, and a store offering high-quality oriental and western perfumes known for their sophistication.
Dining in Birwaz is equally diverse and premium, featuring a range of dishes, beverages, and light snacks, ensuring visitors enjoy a well-rounded experience as they explore the area.
The Minzal Program also includes additional areas and activities such as luxury camping, horseback riding, stargazing, and 3D displays that highlight the beauty and heritage of Diriyah.