Energy Minister Signs MoU With Italian Environment And Energy Security Minister

Energy Minister Signs MoU with Italian Environment and Energy Security Minister

Riyadh, January (پاکستان پوائنٹ نیوز ‎‎‎ 15 كانون الثاني 2025ء) The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to strengthen collaboration between Saudi Arabia and Italy, serving their shared interests.

The MoU focuses on key areas such as energy transitions and security, renewable energy, electricity interconnection, energy efficiency, geothermal energy, methane emissions reduction, advancing energy storage solutions, petroleum, natural gas, and conventional and transitional fuels.

It also addresses enhancing the stability and reliability of petroleum and natural-gas markets, reducing market volatility, and improving energy supply security and supply chains.

The agreement highlights innovation and technology, such as hydrogen project development, climate-change mitigation solutions, the circular carbon economy, and carbon capture, utilization, and storage. Additionally, it emphasizes digital transformation, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence in the energy sector while fostering joint initiatives to support engineering and construction projects in energy. These efforts align with the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.