Weather Forecast For Wednesday

Weather Forecast for Wednesday

Riyadh, January (پاکستان پوائنٹ نیوز ‎‎‎ 15 كانون الثاني 2025ء) Winds over the Red Sea will be southeasterly to northeasterly, shifting in the evening to northwesterly, at speeds of 12-32 km/h in the northern part, and southeasterly to southerly, reaching 15-45 km/h in the central and southern parts. Waves may range from half a meter to more than two meters; the sea will be calm to choppy.

In the Arabian Gulf, winds will be northerly to northwesterly at speeds of 12-35 km/h in the northern and central parts, and northeasterly, shifting in the evening to northwesterly, at speeds of 10-25 km/h in the southern part. Waves may reach from one to two meters, and the sea will be calm to choppy.