Ninth Citrus Festival In Al-Hariq Concludes With High Visitor Turnout

Ninth Citrus Festival in Al-Hariq Concludes with High Visitor Turnout

Al-Hariq, January (پاکستان پوائنٹ نیوز ‎‎‎ 11 كانون الثاني 2025ء) The festival successfully achieved its goals of promoting citrus conservation products and a variety of agricultural goods, attracting numerous visitors eager to make purchases. It also provided farmers and producers the opportunity to explore new markets through electronic marketing, benefiting many agricultural investors involved in the event.

Visitors enjoyed a unique experience at citrus farms, where they learned about the stages and processes of growing and producing different types of citrus. They also received important agricultural guidance necessary for successful crop cultivation.

The Tuwaiq mountain range, which surrounds the governorate, also impressed visitors and showcased the region’s exceptional tourism and heritage offerings, enhancing its reputation as a leading tourist destination in the Kingdom.

Additionally, the festival included various events such as workshops promoting sustainable agricultural practices, entertainment activities for children, and sports competitions.