UAE opens solar-powered water pumping station in Shabwa, Yemen

The UAE has opened an integrated solar-powered water pumping station in the district of Naseeb in the Shabwa Governorate of Yemen. The unit will supply water to residents of the Dar'aa and Mouriba areas and neighbouring villages

SHABWA, (Pakistan Point News - 13th Jul, 2019) The UAE has opened an integrated solar-powered water pumping station in the district of Naseeb in the Shabwa Governorate of Yemen. The unit will supply water to residents of the Dar'aa and Mouriba areas and neighbouring villages.

Hamid Rashid Al Shamsi, the Emirates Red Crescent representative in Shabwa, said that the latest project is one of many operating in Yemen which aim to improve humanitarian conditions and support the country's critical infrastructure.

He noted the UAE's special efforts to address water scarcity in Shabwa which is facing severe water shortages. Earlier this month, another solar-powered water pumping unit was inaugurated in Al Dima and Al Ghajla in the Merkha as Sufla district in the governorate.

The Deputy Director of the Rural Water Corporation of Shabwa, Marwan Barwais, expressed his thanks to the UAE for its support and efforts in developing infrastructure and relief efforts in the area.

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