COVID-19 Antibodies Appear in Over 90% of Those Vaccinated With EpiVacCorona - Developer

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 05th May, 2021) The coronavirus antibody response is formed in more than 90% of people who received Russia's EpiVacCorona vaccine, Alexander Ryzhikov, the head of the department of zoonotic infections and influenza at the Vector State Scientific Center, said.

"Independent studies show that a big share of the population actually reacts to vaccination. We announced these figures among the volunteers, now we are conducting random studies among immunized groups, we see that these figures are significantly higher than 90%," Ryzhikov said in the official Instagram account of the Russian health watchdog Rospotrebnadzor.

The researcher added that Vector was studying three-dose regiment of EpiVacCorona.

"First and second phase clinical trials of three-dose regiment of this vaccine are now underway," Ryzhikov said.

Such a method has already been tested on animals, namely primates, hamsters and guinea pigs.

"The effect of the increase and duration of immunity has been confirmed, primarily in primates," the developer noted.

Vaccination against coronavirus is carried out in all Russian regions. In August 2020, Russia's Health Ministry registered the world's first vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19, developed by the Gamaleya Research Center. It was named Sputnik V. Also in Russia, two more vaccines against COVID-19 have been developed � EpiVacCorona by Rospotrebnadzor's Vector Center and CoviVac, developed by the Chumakov Center of the Russian academy of Sciences.

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